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How to do Brand Personification with Digital Marketing?

Updated: Jul 21, 2019

Brand Personification
Brand Personification

What is Brand Personification?

Brand Personification is a way to make a brand “alive” by giving it characters, just like a human being has characters. In other words, Brand Personification is a way to humanize a brand.

Businesses using real human ( and creatures sometimes ) to personify their brands. It’s much easier for consumers to connect with a personality than a handful of claims or benefits, especially when you’re dealing with something intangible, such as insurance products. Characters with unique personas allow the public to identify a brand and its offering in a way no other tactic can, helping to establish relationships with consumers that wouldn’t otherwise be possible.

It’s a simple technique to employ. You can ask “If ( a company or a brand ) were a real person, what type of person would they be? Can you describe them to me?

What benefits does Brand Personification bring?

1. Associates real people with your business. Consumers prefer interactions where a real person is on the other end of the conversation.

2. Differentiates yourself from the competition. People tend to have positive associations with brands that were consistent with their own identity. Your niche is more likely to do business with you if your brand has similar convictions as them.

3. Aggregate strengths of real people to your brand. Use the skills and personalities of your team to create a well-rounded brand persona. Your brand can have all the skills and traits of your team.

How to do Brand Personification with Digital Marketing?

These are few tips from us to personify your brand with digital marketing:

1. Define your brand’s characters. First, define real human characters which are suitable for your brand, for examples honesty, integrity, accountable, elegant, etc.

2. Use Brand Ambassador, or Social Media Influencer, or a Mascot which represent the same characters to your brand. You can use Brand Ambassador, or Social Media Influencer, or a Mascot to represent and amplify your brand’s character. Real human or cartoon character mascot can help to visualize your brand’s characters better.

3. Be consistent on all your digital marketing campaign. Be consistent in visualizing your brand’s characters in all your digital marketing campaign. Use the same brand characters set in all your brand identity, social media postings, digital ads, blog postings, etc.

iMarketology can help you to personify your brand with Digital Marketing. iMarketology has a full range of Digital Marketing services to help you to visualize your brand’s characters in all your digital marketing campaign.

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